Saturday, 4 February 2012

Bodyformed for yooooooooooooou....

So, I make it 5 countries that have already selected their entry for Eurovision this year, and Albania are always among the first to chose their entry. Can't help but think that I have heard it before though... Is it:

Well, I had to wonder... Mercy me, Albania, what have you done??? Albania have this massive selection process to choose their Eurovision entry which lasts, like, an entire weekend and usually has about 50 songs being performed. Of which, *this* was judged to be the best, oh boy...

Now it will be a bit different by the time it is performed in Baku, it's too long (some would say by about 4 minutes!), and the Albanian entries always seem to undergo some transformation before they get to Eurovision, but blimey, the NOISE!!! Anyone can drag themselves backwards through a hedge and get up on a stage and scream, and indeed I'm sure some of us have!

Where's the facepainted dwarves spinning on their heads, the flame-headed beauties surrounded by flames and the di-di-da choruses of yesteryear that the Albanians have sent to the contest...? I'm not a fan of this, as you might have guessed, although I have seen Eurofans loving it on the interweb - what do you reckon, leave a comment on FB or on the blog, I'd love to know what you think of it!


  1. YaY, love the review of Albania... guess we'll have to cut out Tom's solo part in Sabotage of him screeching a la Albania now!!!

  2. Since when did Tom have a solo part, Drew?? *checks Sabotage performance lyrics* :)))

  3. Oh, er, didn't he tell you?
